
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Canada Day 2010

To celebrate Canada Day, there are many fictional heroes of the nation: Nelvana of the Northern Lights, Captain Canuck, Alpha Flight, etc. Few are more bizarre than Mr. Canoehead though. Checkout this skit from Four on the Floor, where the hero hides in a department store, disguised as a beaver to prevent the theft of furs:

Have a great Canada Day! Cheers.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A New Look

Well it has been some time since I made a post of my own. I do not know if I have recovered from my bout of "Facebook fatigue," but here it is, the first post under a new look. The new look is employing Blogger's new template designer. I have to admit that it is significantly better than the old ones, which were not bad, but getting kind of stale. I have plans to employ blogger for a certain community group, so stay tuned. Cheers.