
Thursday, May 24, 2007

AAQ - Community Memberships/Priveleges

Hooray! An easy AAQ...

Hello and thank you for using the “Ask A Question” service.

Your question is: What are requirements for use of the college library and take-out privileges?

Currently the Vera Bracken (Medicine Hat) and Brooks Campus Libraries do not have a membership fee for community patrons. To become a registered patron with borrowing privileges, you need to see the Circulation Desk and present legal photo identification (i.e., driver’s license, etc.) with a local address (Medicine Hat or Brooks).

Community members have near equivalent borrowing privileges to staff and students. You can borrow most items with the notable exceptions of current periodicals, Curriculum (Education) Collection materials, and Reference Collection materials. Other notable privileges that you do not have include access to online databases (from home) and The Alberta Library (TAL) Card. For more information about TAL Cards, go to:

Books (Circulating and Paperbacks Collections) can be borrowed for three weeks and renewed twice more for three weeks if there is no hold placed on the item. This gives you up to 9 weeks with any book. Audiovisual and Periodical Back Issues can be borrowed for one week at a time and renewed twice more for one week – so you can have those items for a maximum of 3 weeks if no hold is placed on the item.

If you need further information about Medicine Hat College Library Services, visit our website at: For information about the Medicine Hat Public Library, visit their website at:

Thank you again for using the “Ask A Question” service. If you need more help, please use the service again or see the Information Desk in the Vera Bracken Library (Local Phone #: (403) 529-3867); Toll Free Phone #: 1-866-282-8394,Ext. 3867).

AAQ#: 31853

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