
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Of Classes and Calendars, etc....

Well, Hell Week has been booked (October 29th-November 5th) - 8 classes with 250+ students divided amongst them. This is the title that I have given the Health Studies (HST) 210 orientation to APA citation style classes. Not that I dislike teaching in classroom environment, but teaching the same thing time-and-time-again gets a little boring. Thankfully the more confident students try to take me/the citation method to task - this makes for some enjoyable debate/discussion. Over the last couple of years, I moved the presentation from overheads to PowerPoint - which was interesting for 5 minutes. Now it is time to try something new.

If time permits, I hope to employ our new Classroom Performance System (CPS) software for the APA sessions. It is a lightweight student response/feedback system, but hopefully it will make things more interesting for the students and myself.

To compound things this year, my regular history and political science information literacy sessions will overlap at the same time. Thankfully, nothing conflicts, but it will be a hectic week with some classes beginning at 8 a.m., while others begin at 6 p.m. on the same day - it is all over the board this year. It should be interesting. After the manic pace of this week, everything else for the remains of the semester will look extra mundane.

I have been trying to deliver a more robust display for the libraries' hours. To this end, I have employed Google Calendar to deliver this service. By using Google's Calendar API, I embedded the hours for the Vera Bracken and Brooks Campus libraries in our site. You can preview the Vera Bracken Library's calendar by clicking here, and the Brooks Campus Library's by clicking here. This is not quite the final product, but is the direction that I would like to go in.

I am exploring other options for delivery and hope to employ a locally housed/maintained calendar service, but that is a larger project for another day.

I also modified the desktop wallpaper for the OPAC and community access stations. The wallpapers are variations on the preexisting generic student version that I created. The colours and text have been modified to display their differentiation from one another. You can view samples of each below (click on each thumbnail for a larger image):

Generic Student Wallpaper:

OPAC/Research Station Wallpaper:

Community Access Station Wallpaper:

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