
Monday, December 17, 2007

Busy month before the semester break...

It has been a hectic month, but the end in nigh.

On top of regular duties, I was sent to a conference in Edmonton, Alberta for the second Canadian Campus Card Workshop. College administration wanted to gather information about the “smart card” concept. Admittedly, I had some trepidation about attending since it was outside my normal experience, but it turned out to be more interesting and informative than I initially suspected. The consequence was a 30 page report to administration (which I wish I could post) and a new page on our library site that informs people about the campus ID cards functions. [The new page can be viewed by clicking here.] I have to give kudos to John Younk, of the University of Alberta’s ONEcard office, and his counterparts from the National Association of Campus Card Users (NACCU), for a well organized and presented program.

A few last minute classes on the Modern Language Association’s (MLA) style of citation were added into the mix, too. It was fortunate that I created a PowerPoint presentation beforehand, and was not forced to use the old overhead projection sheets. The classes were not too bad (for me anyway). It was definitely different, since most of my instruction is in the American Psychological Association’s (APA) format.

A couple of additional Web chores were thrown in before my holiday break begins. The University of Lethbridge is having trouble resolving a security certificate issue with the library system’s server alias, so I will have to alter all links in the online catalogue and our own site. So long, “”! Hello, “”! Once the “darius” server name is employed, everything should be fine for all parties involved.

The final chore before I leave will be overhauling the databases’ section of our website. It is not dynamically structured yet, so I have to recode about 35 pages to meet my new layout requirements. It is not overly hard, but it can be time consuming. There will be 6 new databases being added in the New Year, so I will have to leave room for them. Hopefully the URLs will be waiting in my mailbox when I return in January.

In the meantime, it is back to work.

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