
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Library D'oh! Moment #2

In an effort to dramatize a situation, a male staffer slams the heal of his palm against his head. The problem was that he struck his temple and not his brow - too hard. This temporarily stunned him and gave him a mean headache for a half hour. D'oh!

The moral: If you poke fun at others, be sure that you do not become the punchline.

MHC Library Quotes #7

After fixing a falling light panel, a male employee jokingly comments that he must tuck and adjust his shirt to cover his “muffin tops” (a.k.a., love handles). After a conversation about modern body type terminology and the meaning of the term “butterface,” the following conversation took place:

Female Employee - "Yes, we saw a woman the other day. She was tall, blonde, and had a nice figure. [Female Employee #2’s Name] and I didn’t see her face, but we assumed she must be beautiful. Maybe not, but we wish we had some of that."

Male Employee "Ummm... you do realize that if I said that, I could lose my job. You might want to rephrase that."

[Laughing hysterically at her faux pas.] "That’s not what I meant. We wish we were that tall. We wish we had a little of that height."

"Okay. I’m going to go now."

Monday, March 2, 2009

MHC Library Quotes #6

When peering over the should of a cataloguer, another employee expressed interest in what she was cataloguing, but was soon disappointed.

"Oh, that looks interesting. [Pauses.] Oh... [lamentingly], too bad it's in French."