
Monday, August 20, 2007

Relais: Updates, Reports, and Self-Registration

Some very positive movements in the development of the Relais ILL system this morning. Some of the developments include:

We updated to v2006 P1 of Relais ILL, which went smoothly. We seem to have less lag time on the startup and the interface generally feels snappier.

I installed the new ILL reports module. The reports were suitably impressive to both the ILL staff and myself. The new module also includes a number of export features that will give us greater flexibility when analyzing data.

Relais was able to address our concerns and questions regarding the last version of the self-registration module. I made a few more tweaks to the code and we will try to create a couple of test accounts once the update has been posted to the test server.

I will be installing the Relais packages in the library classroom in anticipation of our training session next week. We should be ready to launch the service by the beginning of the Fall semester.

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